Discover the convenience of last-minute travel planning with the LMT Deals app, your ultimate travel companion for on-the-go bookings. Imagine unlocking exclusive discounts not available anywhere else, right from your mobile device. With this app, you can effortlessly find up to 55% off hotel reservations for tonight or book well in advance, up to a year out, ensuring you secure a perfect stay whenever you decide to travel.
The platform offers an expansive selection of over 120,000 hotels in more than 4,500 destinations worldwide. Ease and convenience are at your fingertips with features such as instant confirmations, a comprehensive view of past and upcoming bookings, and a seamless interface showcasing hotel amenities and photos directly in the search results. Plus, navigating hotel options is a breeze – whether you prefer a list view, map view, or even scrolling through potential stays.
Additionally, the convenience extends to flight booking by connecting you to 175 airlines, allowing travelers to filter by various preferences, including price, duration, stops, and more.
As a special welcome, new users can receive a promo code via email for an extra $25 off their first hotel stay over $250. And for those who return, all bookings and savings are conveniently synced within the platform.
Need travel inspiration? The app highlights the top 10 destinations to spark your wanderlust, ranging from the vibrant streets of New York City to the sun-kissed beaches of Honolulu, Hawaii.
Finally, with 24/7 customer support, the LMT Deals experience ensures peace of mind while planning travels. Download the game for free and join a community of travelers who appreciate a blend of spontaneity and savings.
Requirements (Latest version)
- Android 4.4 or higher required
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